Enborne Lodge No: 7906 was founded in 1963 and enjoys a proud history of notable local benefactors and men of distinction.
The Lodge meets at the Panbourne Masonic Centre on the third Tuesday in January, March, May, July, September & November. Formal Lodge meetings commence at 6pm, Rehearsals at 6.30pm.
After our regular meetings we retire to dinner, known as the Festive Board, where we enjoy a 3 course meal and are renowned for the warmth of our hospitality.
Our meal currently costs £30.
We are a friendly Pangbourne Lodge with a current membership of around 25 with ages ranging from 30 to over 80 years.
The Lodge is currently rebuilding its strength with drive and energy following a low period in its recent history and its new membership comprises a broad cross section of trades, professions and occupations.
Prospective members will quickly find themselves at home here whatever their background.
At our meetings, which take place in a traditional, formal environment, we perform Masonic ceremonies or listen to lectures as well as conducting the business of the Lodge.
Annual Membership Fees are currently £180 per annum, payable on the 1st April. A one-off Initiation fee is also levied (Full details are available on request).

Masonic Dress consists of a dark suit, white formal shirt with, Provincial or black tie for Members and visitors and formal black shoes. At our Installation meeting in May and our formal Gala Evenings we wear Dinner Jackets, although the standard dress is still acceptable. At our Gala Evenings & other social events we invite Wives, Partners and non- Masonic friends.
Our charitable activities are fully focused on supporting local good causes and as a by-product raising the positive profile of Pangbourne-based Freemasonry.
Social events are held throughout the year where our Wives, Partners, Family and non-masonic friends join us and where, together with our regular meetings, we raise funds for local charities by holding raffles etc.
We strongly believe that it is and always has been an honour and a privilege to be a Freemason and the Lodge whole heartedly embraces the tenets and principles of Freemasonry which we feel are just as relevant today as they were when Freemasonry was founded over 300 years ago,
We also feel that in today’s modern Britain there is no other Institution other than Freemasonry that offers men the same opportunities to positively develop their character and serve their local community..
After a period of stabilisation and growth at Enborne, our ambition now is to further develop the lodge environment into one in which we can lead and inspire men of all ages and backgrounds.

To enable and encourage them to aspire to live their lives by the very highest Masonic ideals fully promoted by the lodge. Integrity, Friendship, Respect, Charity form the basis of teaching the Masonic virtues of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.
Aiming at all times to endeavour to ‘Make Good Men Better’. Better Husbands/Partners; Better Fathers; Better Servants to the Community:
We want men from all walks of life, loyal to Britain, it’s age old traditions and timeless values, including those of fair play, chivalry, civility and gentlemanly behaviour, who are eager to embrace these ideals. Above all, men who prize honour and virtue above the external advantages of rank and fortune.
Our Tuesday evening Classes of Instruction (CofI) are a place of learning, discussion and participation in a Masonic knowledge which is steeped in tradition. These are informal events and begin at 6.30pm. They provide an opportunity to enjoy light-hearted ceremony rehearsals, educational and masonic lectures and discussions. With time left over in the evening for a chat over a relaxing pint!
Enborne Lodge has a strong tradition of supporting our local community.
Our charitable principals are not limited to pure monetary considerations alone but extend to direct engagement in the local community and a deep care for local and wider society.
We warmly welcome new members and encourage them to take an active part in the Lodge. We offer encouragement and support to help our members develop in Freemasonry whilst fully respecting their family and working life commitments.
You are invited to join like-minded Brothers in convivial surroundings and make a positive difference in the world.
The Enborne Lodge commends itself to you.
For further details, contact the Lodge Secretary :
email: s7906@berkspgl.org.uk
website: https://enborne7906.org.uk
facebook: Enborne Lodge

Enborne 7906
Welcome to Enborne Lodge (Number 7906 in the Register in the United Grand Lodge of England), a Masonic Lodge meeting in Pangbourne, and one of Berkshire’s most friendly and socially active Masonic Lodges.
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